Yoga pose headstand benefits & precautions

Yoga Pose Headstand Subodh Gupta
Yoga Headstand Subodh Gupta

Yoga Pose Headstand (Sirshasana)

The Yoga pose Headstand or Sirshasana or Shirshasana is regarded as the “King” of the asanas. It not only inverts your vision of the world, it inverts the pattern of blood pressure in the body – increasing it in the head and dropping it in the feet.

All our physical and mental activities are governed by the brain which is the seat of intelligence, knowledge, wisdom, discrimination and power. As the Headstand increases the blood flow to the brain it revitalises the entire body and the mind and also regenerates the nervous system.

When the reversed flow of blood goes into the legs it helps to regenerate the tissues. During the practice of the Headstand the deep exhalation is happening as the effect of the weight of the abdominal organs on the diaphragm which causes the larger amounts of carbon dioxide and toxins out of the lungs. Practice of this yoga asana provides the feeling of equilibrium and well-being and it increases memory and concentration.

The Headstand inverts the pattern of blood pressure in the body – increasing it in the head and dropping it in the feet: The blood pressure at the top of the head increases from 100/60 mm Hg in a standing position to 150/110 mm Hg in the Headstand The blood pressure of the feet in a standing position will be about 210/170 mm Hg and it will drop to 40/0 mm Hg in the Headstand. The blood pressure will remain the same at 120/80 mm Hg at heart level.

1) Yoga pose Headstand -Step by step:

1. Relax for a moment in a Child’s pose.
2. Place your forearms on the floor and grab the opposite elbows, measuring the distance.
3. Interlock your fingers and place your head on the ground, with back of your head against the
4. Lift your knees and buttocks off the floor and straighten your legs.
5. Slowly walk your feet forward towards your head.
6. Transfer your body weight from toes onto your arms and head.
7. Bend your knees slightly in, towards the chest, raising the feet off the floor.
8. Bring the heels up to the buttocks.
9. Slowly straighten your back, balancing in this position for about 30 seconds.
10. Keep your knees bent and gradually, with control straighten your hips until the bent knees will point towards the ceiling.
11. Then straighten your knees, keeping them together.
12. To come out of the position, first bend your knees and bring them into the chest.
13. Then bend your hips and bring your feet to the floor.
14. Relax in a Child’s pose.


1. It increases the blood flow to the brain, revitalizing the entire body and mind
2. It enhances deep breathing
3. It relieves the pressure on the lumbar and sacral area of the lower back
4. It increases memory and improves concentration

Important Reasons you may avoid headstand:

(1)However, one of the most important reasons for not coming to the Headstand is when you have High Blood Pressure, heart diseases. Check with your doctor if you are fit to do this pose.

(2)Another reason to avoid the Headstand is when you have weak eye blood vessels or any eye problems. By ignoring your conditions you put your health at risk.

(3)Headstand is better avoided during menstruation and pregnancy. You do not want to feel heavy after your yoga class, so please relax and let others to struggle with this demanding pose.

(4)Women during menstruation and four or more months pregnant should avoid this hatha yoga asana.

Issued in public interest by Subodh Gupta Celebrity Yoga Instructor in Chelsea, Kensington London

Subodh Gupta provides private yoga instruction in London.

Common Mistakes:

1. The back is over-arched with the legs dropping back
2. Knees are bent
3. Shoulders are hunched


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